Medical Malpractice
Assisting Those Who Have Been Wrongfully Injured Medical Malpractice Lawyers

If you or someone you care for has been injured or has developed a disability as a result of the negligence of a medical practitioner or team of professionals, you might be entitled to pursue legal action. Contacting Tucker and Miller Arizona medical malpractice lawyers as soon as possible after the incident will ensure that your rights are covered and that you will be eligible for compensation that will allow you to pursue further rehabilitation and treatment options.

A lawyer from Tucker & Miller may be able to file a medical malpractice lawsuit on your behalf and on behalf of your family against the liable doctor, nurse, technician, physician, anesthesiologist, or medical team for the error or act of negligence that caused harm. Medical practitioners are required by law to follow certain standards of treatment. When these standards aren’t followed, those that are responsible may be held liable for any injuries that result.
Through speaking with an experienced injury specialist about your legal options and potential, you will protect your rights as well as the rights of other patients and their families who could be affected in the same way. When hospitals and medical facilities realize that their mistakes have legal consequences, they can act quickly to correct inadequate recruiting, staffing, and training practices and policies that may have contributed to the malpractice incident in whole or in part. When proof is presented that hospital understaffing may lead to patient negligence, for example, the problem can be finally resolved.

When residents of Arizona visit a hospital, clinic, or doctor’s office, they should be able to trust that their health and safety will be prioritized. When preventable mistakes occur, filing a legal lawsuit guarantees that our welfare and well-being are prioritized by those in charge of our state’s hospitals and the entire healthcare industry.
What is Malpractice in Medicine?
The term “medical malpractice” refers to any act or omission of care by a physician or other medical professional during the course of treating a patient that deviates from accepted standards of practice and causes harm. To qualify as malpractice, there must be some form of injury or harm in addition to the negligent action or inaction that resulted in the injury.
Medical negligence can manifest itself in a variety of ways and can occur across all medical specialties and fields of care. Our Arizona medical malpractice lawyers have the necessary expertise and knowledge to represent clients in cases involving all types of preventable errors that result in permanent damage, including errors committed in the operating room, such as surgical errors and anesthesia errors, emergency room errors and cases of delayed emergency care, misdiagnoses and delayed diagnoses that result in permanent injury.

Such errors can result in permanent injury, disfigurement, scarring, and long-lasting conditions requiring lifelong care and treatment, as well as death. When an initial error that results in this type of harm can be avoided through improved shift/staffing policies, improved hiring policies, or an improved system for examining test or x-ray results, medical facilities must act appropriately and implement the necessary changes to halt malpractice in its tracks.
We Are Your Go To Medical Malpractice Lawyers
If you’re unsure whether your circumstances fit any of the preceding examples or if you have any doubts about whether your case involved an instance of negligence, we encourage you to contact our personal injury attorneys as soon as possible. Our legal team has over 80 years of combined experience handling medical malpractice cases in all areas, and our case results speak for themselves. We’re happy to speak with you about your situation at no cost and assist you in determining whether hiring us for representation is in the best interests of your family.