If You Have Been Injured In A Truck Accident, Time Is Not
On Your Side
In accidents involving cars and tractor-trailer rigs, time is not on the side of the injured person in the smaller vehicle. If not preserved within a very short time period, critical evidence that could help prove negligence on the part of the truck driver or trucking company will be gone forever.
At the law firm of Tucker & Miller in Phoenix, Arizona, our lawyers have extensive experience investigating truck accidents and other serious personal injury cases. If you or a family member has been injured in a truck accident, we offer a free initial consultation to evaluate your case.
Preserving Evidence In Truck Accident Cases
Trucking accidents often cause catastrophic injuries which result in hundreds of thousands of dollars in medical expenses, lost wages and other damages. A truck accident can change your life in an instant. Your future financial security could depend on the recovery you make from a personal injury lawsuit.
While Arizona has a two-year statute of limitations in truck accident cases, trucking companies can legally destroy evidence such as the driver logbook and truck GPS records after 30 days. That evidence could have an important bearing on your case and could even be used to determine punitive damages.
The driver logbook can be used to determine if the driver took rest breaks as required by Department of Transportation regulations, and the GPS records can provide evidence of truck speeding and braking immediately prior to the accident. Those records can also be used to determine if the truck was moving at a time when the driver claimed to be taking a legally required rest break.
Our lawyers will examine the truck driver’s background and training. We will also hire experts to determine how factors such as the tractor-trailer’s size, weight and load may have contributed to the severity of the accident. An important element in determining the value of your case is preserving evidence of any truck safety violations by the trucking company or driver.
For More Information
To discuss your truck accident case with an attorney at Tucker & Miller, call 602-870-5511 or fill out our contact form. There is no charge for your initial consultation. Se habla español.